Rho Sigma Omega
National STEAM Honor Society
Advisory Board
Dan Quesnel
Dan Quesnel is the Head of School at The Oakwood School, the birthplace of Rho Sigma Alpha
and the home of its Alpha Chapter. Dan believes it is crucial that schools develop in their
students the ability to analyze, problem solve, think critically, collaborate, and persevere. For
this reason, he is committed to offering students hands-on, student-driven STEAM experiences
so that they can develop a mastery of these and other skills that will prepare them for success
in whatever paths their future may hold.
Ronnie Chalmers
Ronnie has 18th years of admissions experience at North Carolina Central University and North Carolina State University where he currently serves as Director of Strategic Initiatives. He is passionate about supporting all students as they navigate high school and post-secondary education.
Head of School
The Oakwood School
Director of Strategic Initiatives
NC State University
Jorge Valenzuela
Education coach, author, and speaker
Jorge Valenzuela is a nationally recognized performance and education coach, author, and speaker at Lifelong Learning Defined. He got his start in education and has helped countless educators improve their leadership and instructional innovation skills. Jorge specializes in emphasizing core instruction and is a trusted deliverer of reputable professional training in team building, project-based learning, STEM pathways, and life skills integration across the curriculum. He partners with superintendents and provides professional development on behalf of ASCD, Corwin, Instructional Innovation Partners, and Solution Tree. He has authored several books and is the Lifelong Learning Defined podcast host.
Bill McClung
Engineering Professor
East Carolina University
William (Bill) J. McClung, PE is a Teaching Instructor at East Carolina University in the College of Engineering and Technology. Teaching and research interests include robotics, industrial automation, IIOT, Lean Manufacturing/systems, industrial maintenance, and logistics. Bill spent 25 years in industry before turning to academia. Roles included maintenance, production, and design engineering in industries from phosphate to forklifts and fire trucks. Bill volunteers for Math Counts, Engineers Week, Science Olympiad and FIRST Robotics. A founder of Pitt County Robotics, Bill actively participates in FIRST Robotics to introduce students to STEM. Bill has a BS in Mechanical Engineering, a MS Technology Systems and is pursuing a PhD in Industrial Engineering. Bill is a Licensed Professional Engineer in North Carolina.
Jim Whitehurst
President & CEO
Coastal AgroBusiness, Inc
Jim is a second generation family business owner and executive of Coastal
AgroBusiness, Inc. The company is nearly 70 years old and is engaged in
the sales and distribution of agricultural products in the five state region
of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee.
Jim was a former board member of The Oakwood School in Greenville
North Carolina. He is currently working on a book to be published this
year which covers personal finance education as well as a need for
financial literacy improvement in America.